Rachel Pierce (Verba Editing House) is a writer, ghostwriter and freelance editor. As an editor, her client list includes publishing houses such as Penguin Ireland, Hachette, New Island and Gill Books and her author list includes bestselling writers such as Paul Howard (Ross O’Carroll-Kelly), Sinéad Moriarty, Ardal O’Hanlon, Maureen Gaffney and Matt Cooper.
As a ghostwriter, she has worked on books such as The Line by Dr Ian Gargan (Gill Books), Lessons from the Bench by Judge Gillian Hussey (Gill Books) and The Making of a Detective by Pat Marry (Penguin Ireland), which was nominated for an Irish Book Award in 2019.
As a writer, she published the Ghost Detectives books: The Lost Bride and The Missing Dancer (Puffin Books), and most recently Ireland: The people, The places, The stories and Bedtime Stories: Incredible Irish Tales from the Past (both Scholastic UK). She has two more books forthcoming with Scholastic UK in 2023.